Wednesday, September 11, 2013

War, Love, & Lust (Books 3-5)

So the word around here is that Paris kidnapped Helen from Menelaus. Everyone knows, don't steal another man's wife. Paris must have never heard, and/or cares. I personally just think he doesn't care. Helen is gorgeous after all. Menelaus just wants to kill Paris, and this is what started the duel between the Trojans and the Achaeans. I overheard someone talking the other day that Paris originally backed down from the duel. His brother Hector had to convince him to duel, calling Paris a coward. I find this hilarious. I would never back down from a duel, ever. This duel is to determine who will once and for all call Helen their wife. If I were Menelaus, I wouldn't even offer my wife to him. I'd just kill Paris and be done. Both armies just want the war to be done.

During the battle, I found it interesting to hear that Aphrodite saved Paris from Menelaus' wrath and took him to Priam's palace. Then Aphrodite had Helen join them. Couldn't be more obvious of who is taking sides with who. Even though Paris seems to be a big coward, Helen still laid in bed with him then and there. His lack of courage and willing to fight makes me sick. Yet, he still gets the girl. It's almost humorous to then hear that everyone is of course looking for Paris, so Agamemnon insisted that Menelaus won the duel; demanding Helen back.

At this point, the gods don't seem to be getting along either. There are gods on the Trojan side, and gods on the Achaean side. Zeus, rooting for the Trojans after promising Thetis to help them, argued that Menelaus won the battle at this point. Athena, however; doesn't agree with this, she hates Troy. So she dressed up disguised as a Trojan soldier and convinced Pandarus to shoot his arrow at Menelaus. Menelaus only got wounded by the arrow with Athena's help.

All hell broke loose with many people dying from this uproar, and no one seemed to win since the gods decided to get involved. You have gods like Athena on the Achaean's side, and Apollo on the Trojan's side.

I of course, got mixed up in all of this. Being a Trojan, I already have the god Athena against me. Diomedes ended up turning into a giant psycho. He seemed extra strong so I knew a god had been helping him out. He ended up wounding and almost killing me. When I called to my mother Aphrodite for help, he ended up wounding her as well! In return, Apollo came to my aid since my mother couldn't help me no more. Diomedes ended up attacking Apollo as well. I think this pissed off the other gods because we seemed to be defeating the Achaeans a lot easier after that. Apollo, however; picked me up off the field and left a replica of my body in place for my comrades to see. I think to piss them off more.

Helen being abducted

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