Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Return of Achilles in Battle (Books 16-18)

I found out that we have a new enemy back in the battle. Achilles decided to rejoin the Achaeans in fighting against us. He received new armor of course, and then called for an assembly amongst the Achaean army. He stated that he no longer is in a quarrel with Agamemnon and is ready to fight. Agamemnon then told Achilles that he will give him compensation for returning to battle. Offering Briseis back, as well as other presents. Achilles accepted this offer, stating that he is ready to go and fight the Trojans. Odysseus pointed out that he and the rest of the troops are tired and hungry; that they won't fight well that way.

Achilles told everyone that they may eat as they wish, but he is going to fast until the war is over. Also, until Patroclus is avenged. With that remark, Achilles put on the new armor, saddled up the horses to the chariot, and got ready to leave. He confronted the horses about Patroclus' death, and a horse responded saying that it wasn't their fault he died. The horse then told Achilles he will die if he goes back into battle. Achilles is very aware of this at this point in the war, and explains to the horse just that. Then Achilles yelled out a war cry and headed to the Trojans.

Meanwhile, the gods were having an assembly of their own, formed by Zeus. Zeus confronts the gods, saying that they may choose whatever side to help, as long as Achilles dies in the end. The gods ended up leaving the assembly and went to help either the Achaeans or our Trojan army. The battle began with great anger and resentment from both sides. This caused a lot of blood to be shed quickly. Achilles ended up coming after me, but Poseidon was there to save my life. Achilles ended up killing many of my comrades with ease. While keeping twelve of them captive. However, with so many people being killed at once, the bodies were floating all over in the river. The god of the river was very upset by this and created big waves to come at Achilles. Poseidon and Athena reassured Achilles that he will get through it. The gods ended up fighting each other at this point, and Achilles continued attacking us.

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