Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Trenches & Opportunity (Books 12-15)

With the war continuing, a big trench was dug, out blocking our Trojan army from reaching the Achaeans. With Polydamas's advice, Hector decided to tell all the Trojans to get off their chariots, and charge through the trench. Just as all the Trojans were about to charge, an eagle flew to the left-hand side of our Trojan line and dropped a snake. Polydamas kept saying this was a sign that our attempt to charge will fail, but Hector refused to listen to that. Glaucus and Sarpedon were the first Trojans to charge through, followed by Hector who crushed a gate with a boulder. This lead the way for the rest of the Trojan army.

Idomeneus from the Achaeans side, came over and killed a few of our soldiers with Meriones. He then taunted Deiphobus, another Trojan. Deiphobus sensed Idomeneus' anger growing towards him and called me, and our other comrades over to help. Meanwhile, Hector is on the opposite side of the battle field and tried to get that side of Trojans together. He ended up finding them dead or badly wounded. Ajax approached and insulted Hector, and another eagle came and appeared on the right side of Ajax. We knew this was a favorable omen for the Achaeans.

The gods were of course still going behind each other's backs with the war. Hera, who favors the Achaeans, decided to trick Aphrodite into giving her an "enchanted breastband," which are the powers of love and longing woven together. After tricking Aphrodite, Hera tricks Zeus by going to the peak of Mount Ida from her sleep. Zeus is disguised as a bird, sees her, they make love, and Zeus falls asleep. Hera then tells Poseidon he has the all clear to help out the Achaeans.

Poseidon regrouped the Achaeans and they charged us Trojans. Many of our soldiers died, and Hector was hit to the ground with a boulder by Ajax. After this, we decide to carry Hector back and flea from the war to the city.

Apollo came to Hector and the rest of our comrades, filling us with strength. Hector then lead a charge at the Achaeans. Apollo joined the field and covered over the trench, allowing us to go through again. We reached the ships and Hector and Ajax once again broke into their own quarrel. We kept advancing in the fight and Hector got far enough to touch a ship.

Hector vs. Ajax
Image from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ajax_and_Hector_exchange_gifts.jpg

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