Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Achaean & Trojan Missions (Books 9-11)

The Achaeans seem to be giving up at this point. It's exciting and relieving to think about this. I heard that Agamemnon was declaring amongst his people that the war was a failure for them, and planned on returning to Greece. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Achilles was offered many gifts from Agamemnon, asking him to return back to the Achaean lines. Odysseus, Ajax and Phoenix were sent to talk to Achilles about this. Achilles immediately rejected this offer and explained that he plans on going back to his home in Phthia to live a long life. Instead of staying and living a short, glorious life. "He cheated me and he did me hurt. Let him of his own will be damned, since Zeus of the counsels has taken his wits away from him," stated Achilles(book 9, lines 375-377).

Agamemnon and Menelaus decided to wake everyone up that night to plan their next move in the war. Nestor mentioned that sending a spy on the Trojans would be a good idea. Diomedes immediately offered to partake in the role of the spy. Odysseus joined him for support and they both armed themselves and set out for the Trojan camp. After beginning their journey, a heron from Athena came to them and they prayed for her protection.

While this is all happening, Hector decided to have Dolon, another Trojan, serve as a scout to see if the Achaeans are trying to escape. On his way to the Achaeans, Dolon encountered Diomedes and Odysseus. They interrogated Dolon about what he was doing and what the Trojan's plans were. I guess Dolon decides to tell them the positions of where we were and who our allies are. Also, that the Thracians have arrived to help us. If I were in Dolon's position, I'd rather die honorable and not tell them anything. I don't understand why he thought his life would be saved by giving our enemy information. Their plan is to kill us all, not spare anyone.

After hearing all of this information from Dolon and then killing him, Diomedes and Odysseus went to the Thracian's camp. They ended up killing twelve soldiers plus their king, Rhesus. Once these people were dead, they took Rhesus' chariot and horses and headed back to the Achaeans. Having anger from all of this, Zeus made the Achaeans suffer a big massacre the next morning as punishment. Having blood rain on all of the Achaeans.

By afternoon, the Achaeans seem to have got it together. Zeus sent Iris to tell Hector to have him wait till Agamemnon is wounded in order to fight. Coon ended up injuring Agamemnon and Hector began to charge at the Achaeans. But once Diomedes threw a spear and knocked off his helmet, this scared Hector and he immediately retreats. Paris wounds Diomedes and Odysseus is left to fight alone. Socus wounds Odysseus in the ribs so Ajax carried him off the field before he could get hurt further. Nestor told Patroclus about all the wounded Achaeans and begged him to ask Achilles to rejoin the battle. Instead of getting the real Achilles, Patroclus dressed Eurypylus up as Achilles in order to shake up the Trojans.

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