Monday, September 30, 2013

Achilles vs. all Trojans (Books 19-21)

Achilles is still mourning the death of his close friend Patroclus. He ended up calling another assembly with the Achaean soldiers about their next fight. Agamemnon gave Achilles the gifts he promised him, along with Briseis. With anger in his heart, Achilles then demanded that they leave for war at once. Odysseus approached Achilles once again about letting the army eat first before fighting. Achilles doesn't care about eating, he just wanted to kill Hector at this point. But lucky for him, Zeus finds his mourning for Patroclus touching, and sends Athena down to fill his stomach with nectar and ambrosia. After feeling full from Athena, Achilles suit up in his armor and got his chariot ready to fight.

Both the Achaeans and Trojans are now preparing for battle, and Zeus decides to hold another meeting with his fellow gods. Zeus basically said that it's okay for the gods to intervene with the war again. However, the gods seemed to be watching instead of helping us. Apollo came down and confronted me, encouraging me to challenge Achilles. So Achilles and I met up on the battlefield, exchanging insults. We began to fight and Achilles was more aggressive than I perceived to be. He came close to stabbing me to death, but Poseidon came and took me away from his grasp.

Hector then began to approach Achilles when he was stopped by Apollo. Apollo warned him to not start a fight with Achilles in front of the ranks, and to wait till Achilles approached him. Hector found it hard to watch his fellow Trojans being slaughtered in front of him by Achilles. So he ended up confronting Achilles early. This doesn't go well like Apollo warned, so Apollo was forced to save him once again.

Achilles' rage and revenge for Patroclus' death stooped to a whole new level. He has no remorse for the death of any Trojans. He was killing so many of my comrades that the river was getting clogged up with all of the dead bodies. This made the river angry, so Achilles promised the river that he wouldn't throw anymore bodies in there as he kills them. But he made a point that he will keep on killing the Trojans as much as he can. The river felt bad for us Trojans, and asked Apollo for help. Achilles overheard the river's plea to Apollo and attacked the river. The river then dragged Achilles all downstream to a floodplain. This almost killed Achilles but the god Hephaestus, sent by Hera, set the plain on fire; causing the river to boil until letting go of Achilles. This caused major commotion amongst the gods. All of them fighting for different lives on the battlefield. Priam saw all of the dead bodies and opened Troy's gates. Agenor, the prince of Troy, then challenged Achilles. Apollo decided to disguise himself as Agenor and kept Agenor in a safe place. So technically Achilles is fighting Apollo during this time. This allowed the Trojans to hurry back to Troy with Achilles distracted.

File:Slays Hector.jpg

Achilles kills Hector
Image from:

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