Thursday, October 3, 2013

After the War

Since the war, I'm proud to know that I survived and fought off hard enemies. Unfortunately, my wife Creusa wasn't so lucky. However, my son, Ascanius and I were able to escape. I lead a group of refugees across the Mediterranean to Italy, who are now known as the Aeneads. Here I became the mythical founder of Rome. But before I even made it to Italy, we were cast ashore near Carthage (a north African city). This is where I met Dido and she showed us great hospitality. Dido was they city's founder and queen. We had a love affair that lasted for a while, but I received a reminder from Mercury that I was being distracted from my true destiny to Italy. So I decided to choose my duty over love. Dido didn't take this very well but I know I made the right decision.

Aineias and Dido
Image from:

The End of the War (Books 22-24)

It seems that Hector's fate has finally come. Achilles returned from chasing Apollo and Hector confronted him. Hector planned to negotiate with Achilles, but he soon realized that a negotiation would never go well. So Hector ran around the city three times to try and escape Achilles but it's no use. The gods were watching anxiously above, and Zeus thought about saving Hector's life. However, Athena convinced him otherwise and said that the time has come for Hector to die. during the fourth time that Hector was running around the city of Troy's walls, Athena appeared before him. Disguised as Deiphobus, Hector's ally, Athena convinces Hector that if they were to work together they can defeat Achilles. Hector agreed and stopped running to face Achilles. Achilles and Hector both threw spears at each other and missed. Hector turned around to ask for a lance, from who he thought was Deiphobus. He discovered that he was betrayed by the gods when the person who looked like his friend was no where to be found.

Hector then charged at Achilles to try and get glory out of fight. Unfortunately, he happened to be wearing Achilles' old armor and Achilles knew exactly where the weak points were to kill Hector. He put a spear through Hector's throat, and before he died he asked to have his body taken back to be buried. Achilles of course ignored this request, and had his body eaten up by dogs and scavenger birds. Then dragged Hector's body at the back of his chariot.

Once back to the Achaean camp, Achilles mourned Patroclus' death once again. That night he ate, but refused to wash up until Patroclus' body was buried. The next day he had an elaborate ceremony for the burial of Patroclus. Achilles sacrificed the twelve Trojan captives and prayed for assistance from the winds; then lights Patroclus' pyre on fire. The following day, Achilles holds a series of competitions in Patroclus' honor with great prizes. The events included boxing, wrestling, archery, and a chariot race.

Achilles continued to mourn Patroclus' death by abusing Hector's dead body. Dragging it around the tomb of Patroclus. Apollo protected the body from damage and rot. Twelve days after Hector's death, Apollo convinces Zeus that Hector's body should be buried. Thetis is sent to tell Achilles this, and Iris was sent to initiate the ransom. However, Iris' wife Hecuba was worried Achilles would kill him. To reassure her, Zeus sends an eagle as a good omen.

Meanwhile, Priam set out in his chariot full of treasure. Zeus sent Hermes disguised as a Myrmidon soldier to help guide Priam through the Achaean camp. Once at the camp, Hermes disappeared, leaving Priam alone. Priam then confronted Achilles about having Hector's (his son's) body back. Achilles agrees after Priam makes him think of his own father. Priam stays in Achilles' tent that night, only till Hermes came and told him to not sleep with the enemy. Priam and Idaeus, his chariot driver, immediately left with Hector's body. It took us nine days to get Hector's pyre ready and we lit it on the tenth day.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Achilles vs. all Trojans (Books 19-21)

Achilles is still mourning the death of his close friend Patroclus. He ended up calling another assembly with the Achaean soldiers about their next fight. Agamemnon gave Achilles the gifts he promised him, along with Briseis. With anger in his heart, Achilles then demanded that they leave for war at once. Odysseus approached Achilles once again about letting the army eat first before fighting. Achilles doesn't care about eating, he just wanted to kill Hector at this point. But lucky for him, Zeus finds his mourning for Patroclus touching, and sends Athena down to fill his stomach with nectar and ambrosia. After feeling full from Athena, Achilles suit up in his armor and got his chariot ready to fight.

Both the Achaeans and Trojans are now preparing for battle, and Zeus decides to hold another meeting with his fellow gods. Zeus basically said that it's okay for the gods to intervene with the war again. However, the gods seemed to be watching instead of helping us. Apollo came down and confronted me, encouraging me to challenge Achilles. So Achilles and I met up on the battlefield, exchanging insults. We began to fight and Achilles was more aggressive than I perceived to be. He came close to stabbing me to death, but Poseidon came and took me away from his grasp.

Hector then began to approach Achilles when he was stopped by Apollo. Apollo warned him to not start a fight with Achilles in front of the ranks, and to wait till Achilles approached him. Hector found it hard to watch his fellow Trojans being slaughtered in front of him by Achilles. So he ended up confronting Achilles early. This doesn't go well like Apollo warned, so Apollo was forced to save him once again.

Achilles' rage and revenge for Patroclus' death stooped to a whole new level. He has no remorse for the death of any Trojans. He was killing so many of my comrades that the river was getting clogged up with all of the dead bodies. This made the river angry, so Achilles promised the river that he wouldn't throw anymore bodies in there as he kills them. But he made a point that he will keep on killing the Trojans as much as he can. The river felt bad for us Trojans, and asked Apollo for help. Achilles overheard the river's plea to Apollo and attacked the river. The river then dragged Achilles all downstream to a floodplain. This almost killed Achilles but the god Hephaestus, sent by Hera, set the plain on fire; causing the river to boil until letting go of Achilles. This caused major commotion amongst the gods. All of them fighting for different lives on the battlefield. Priam saw all of the dead bodies and opened Troy's gates. Agenor, the prince of Troy, then challenged Achilles. Apollo decided to disguise himself as Agenor and kept Agenor in a safe place. So technically Achilles is fighting Apollo during this time. This allowed the Trojans to hurry back to Troy with Achilles distracted.

File:Slays Hector.jpg

Achilles kills Hector
Image from:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Return of Achilles in Battle (Books 16-18)

I found out that we have a new enemy back in the battle. Achilles decided to rejoin the Achaeans in fighting against us. He received new armor of course, and then called for an assembly amongst the Achaean army. He stated that he no longer is in a quarrel with Agamemnon and is ready to fight. Agamemnon then told Achilles that he will give him compensation for returning to battle. Offering Briseis back, as well as other presents. Achilles accepted this offer, stating that he is ready to go and fight the Trojans. Odysseus pointed out that he and the rest of the troops are tired and hungry; that they won't fight well that way.

Achilles told everyone that they may eat as they wish, but he is going to fast until the war is over. Also, until Patroclus is avenged. With that remark, Achilles put on the new armor, saddled up the horses to the chariot, and got ready to leave. He confronted the horses about Patroclus' death, and a horse responded saying that it wasn't their fault he died. The horse then told Achilles he will die if he goes back into battle. Achilles is very aware of this at this point in the war, and explains to the horse just that. Then Achilles yelled out a war cry and headed to the Trojans.

Meanwhile, the gods were having an assembly of their own, formed by Zeus. Zeus confronts the gods, saying that they may choose whatever side to help, as long as Achilles dies in the end. The gods ended up leaving the assembly and went to help either the Achaeans or our Trojan army. The battle began with great anger and resentment from both sides. This caused a lot of blood to be shed quickly. Achilles ended up coming after me, but Poseidon was there to save my life. Achilles ended up killing many of my comrades with ease. While keeping twelve of them captive. However, with so many people being killed at once, the bodies were floating all over in the river. The god of the river was very upset by this and created big waves to come at Achilles. Poseidon and Athena reassured Achilles that he will get through it. The gods ended up fighting each other at this point, and Achilles continued attacking us.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Trenches & Opportunity (Books 12-15)

With the war continuing, a big trench was dug, out blocking our Trojan army from reaching the Achaeans. With Polydamas's advice, Hector decided to tell all the Trojans to get off their chariots, and charge through the trench. Just as all the Trojans were about to charge, an eagle flew to the left-hand side of our Trojan line and dropped a snake. Polydamas kept saying this was a sign that our attempt to charge will fail, but Hector refused to listen to that. Glaucus and Sarpedon were the first Trojans to charge through, followed by Hector who crushed a gate with a boulder. This lead the way for the rest of the Trojan army.

Idomeneus from the Achaeans side, came over and killed a few of our soldiers with Meriones. He then taunted Deiphobus, another Trojan. Deiphobus sensed Idomeneus' anger growing towards him and called me, and our other comrades over to help. Meanwhile, Hector is on the opposite side of the battle field and tried to get that side of Trojans together. He ended up finding them dead or badly wounded. Ajax approached and insulted Hector, and another eagle came and appeared on the right side of Ajax. We knew this was a favorable omen for the Achaeans.

The gods were of course still going behind each other's backs with the war. Hera, who favors the Achaeans, decided to trick Aphrodite into giving her an "enchanted breastband," which are the powers of love and longing woven together. After tricking Aphrodite, Hera tricks Zeus by going to the peak of Mount Ida from her sleep. Zeus is disguised as a bird, sees her, they make love, and Zeus falls asleep. Hera then tells Poseidon he has the all clear to help out the Achaeans.

Poseidon regrouped the Achaeans and they charged us Trojans. Many of our soldiers died, and Hector was hit to the ground with a boulder by Ajax. After this, we decide to carry Hector back and flea from the war to the city.

Apollo came to Hector and the rest of our comrades, filling us with strength. Hector then lead a charge at the Achaeans. Apollo joined the field and covered over the trench, allowing us to go through again. We reached the ships and Hector and Ajax once again broke into their own quarrel. We kept advancing in the fight and Hector got far enough to touch a ship.

Hector vs. Ajax
Image from:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Achaean & Trojan Missions (Books 9-11)

The Achaeans seem to be giving up at this point. It's exciting and relieving to think about this. I heard that Agamemnon was declaring amongst his people that the war was a failure for them, and planned on returning to Greece. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Achilles was offered many gifts from Agamemnon, asking him to return back to the Achaean lines. Odysseus, Ajax and Phoenix were sent to talk to Achilles about this. Achilles immediately rejected this offer and explained that he plans on going back to his home in Phthia to live a long life. Instead of staying and living a short, glorious life. "He cheated me and he did me hurt. Let him of his own will be damned, since Zeus of the counsels has taken his wits away from him," stated Achilles(book 9, lines 375-377).

Agamemnon and Menelaus decided to wake everyone up that night to plan their next move in the war. Nestor mentioned that sending a spy on the Trojans would be a good idea. Diomedes immediately offered to partake in the role of the spy. Odysseus joined him for support and they both armed themselves and set out for the Trojan camp. After beginning their journey, a heron from Athena came to them and they prayed for her protection.

While this is all happening, Hector decided to have Dolon, another Trojan, serve as a scout to see if the Achaeans are trying to escape. On his way to the Achaeans, Dolon encountered Diomedes and Odysseus. They interrogated Dolon about what he was doing and what the Trojan's plans were. I guess Dolon decides to tell them the positions of where we were and who our allies are. Also, that the Thracians have arrived to help us. If I were in Dolon's position, I'd rather die honorable and not tell them anything. I don't understand why he thought his life would be saved by giving our enemy information. Their plan is to kill us all, not spare anyone.

After hearing all of this information from Dolon and then killing him, Diomedes and Odysseus went to the Thracian's camp. They ended up killing twelve soldiers plus their king, Rhesus. Once these people were dead, they took Rhesus' chariot and horses and headed back to the Achaeans. Having anger from all of this, Zeus made the Achaeans suffer a big massacre the next morning as punishment. Having blood rain on all of the Achaeans.

By afternoon, the Achaeans seem to have got it together. Zeus sent Iris to tell Hector to have him wait till Agamemnon is wounded in order to fight. Coon ended up injuring Agamemnon and Hector began to charge at the Achaeans. But once Diomedes threw a spear and knocked off his helmet, this scared Hector and he immediately retreats. Paris wounds Diomedes and Odysseus is left to fight alone. Socus wounds Odysseus in the ribs so Ajax carried him off the field before he could get hurt further. Nestor told Patroclus about all the wounded Achaeans and begged him to ask Achilles to rejoin the battle. Instead of getting the real Achilles, Patroclus dressed Eurypylus up as Achilles in order to shake up the Trojans.